
The Doctrine of Sanctification is unavailable, but you can change that!

The words holy and sanctified appear hundreds of times in Scripture and the concept of sanctification is obviously important to the Christian experience. Pink calls it, “the great promise of the covenant made to Christ for His people.” But for many of us, questions remain. What is sanctification? Are we sanctified at the same time we are justified? Is there a difference between sanctification and...

Second, scriptural sanctification is not a protracted process which the Christian is made meet for Heaven. The same work of Divine grace which delivers a soul from the wrath to come fits him for the enjoyment of eternal glory. At what point was the penitent prodigal unsuited to the Father’s house? As soon as he came and confessed his sins, the best robe was placed upon him, the ring was put on his hand, his feet were shod, and the word went forth, ‘Bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let
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